
Lexi Edwards (Maid/Client of Puffer played by Melinda Moss) is so excited to share this funny musical with you all! Previous shows include Hamlet: A Tragedy In Three Rings as La Bella Fortina/Rosencrantz, The Count Of Monte Cristo as Christine Villefort, Pirates: A Love Story as Mrs. Rigsby, Villains as Belligerence, and many more! Lexi loves performing with State 48’s Thunderstruck show choir & teen hip hop group and Lumos’ Encore choir. She also enjoys watching Spider Man & Stranger Things, and spending time with her pets. She is a senior in high school and is also enrolled at Rio Salado College. She looks forward to nursing school next year, and is soaking up all the performing opportunities now while she has the time! She is extremely grateful to Andrea, Karli, Halle and her cast mates for making this show awesome


Spec Owens (Stage Manager played by Joyce Throttle) is thrilled to be back onstage with their favorite theatre company! In recent history they have been hard at work behind the scenes as the (actual) stage manager for 39 Steps, co-director for Jekyll & Hyde, and other various helping roles around State 48 and Lumos Arts Academy. Spec is excited to be part of such an extraordinarily talented cast and looks forward to laughing alongside the audience each night! Spec would like to thank their friends and family for the constant love and support, the lovely production team of Drood for taking a chance on someone they knew would be 8 months pregnant by the time shows rolled around, and their lovely spouse Espie Owens whom they are thrilled to welcome their baby girl Juniper into the world with come January! Thank you for supporting local theatre! Enjoy the show


Bryce Dilullo (Durdles played by Nick Cricker) is very thankful to the cast and crew for letting him do theater while in law school. He is very busy and can’t write a bio so let his resume do the talking. If any wealthy lawyers with job openings or single bachelorettes or wealthy lawyer single bachelorettes are reading this take special note. EDUCATION Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law, Arizona State University, Phoenix, AZ Juris Doctor, May 2024 GPA: 3.72 Class Rank: 62/293
Honors/Activities: O’Connor Merit Scholar, Willard H. Pedrick Scholar, McCarthy Institute Fellow, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ BA, Economics, December 2020 GPA: 3.78
Honors/Activities: National Merit Scholar, Magna Cum Laude Research Assistant, Barrett Honors College EXPERIENCE James Portman Webster Law Office, Mesa, AZ Summer Law Clerk ASU Gammage, Tempe, AZ September 2018-October 2021 Assistant House Manager Industry Pro, Tempe, AZ May 2019 – September 2019 Summer Intern SKILLS/ACTIVITIES Professional Skills: Document Conversion Word/PDF Microsoft Excel Intermediate Certified Proficient in Document Styling Personal Interests/Hobbies:
Detroit Lions Superfan Award Winning Musical Theater Actor Former Student Council President


Brett Small (Neville Landless played by Victor Grinstead) is incredibly excited to return to his musical roots with his role of Victor Grinstead/ Neville Landless! After previously performing for State 48’s production of “Hamlet: A Tragedy in Three Rings” Brett is very grateful to be a part of a musical show such as this. He thanks his friends, Family, and Brethren. He’s especially thankful for his amazing crew, Director and Stage Manager, as well as the wonderful supportive/Joyous cast. Brett also thanks his mother for giving him the option of Acting or Debate!

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Aria Sweet-Lambson (Client of Puffer played by Christina Lyon) is 16 years old and has danced more in The Mystery of Edwin Drood than she has in her whole life. She is thrilled to be performing in her first musical in the Ensemble after doing her part as Francisca (Hamlet: A Tragedy in Three Rings) and the Thane of Ross (Macb*th). When she is not performing she is busy writing, collecting bottles, watching Star Wars, and generally being a nerd. She is thankful to Halle Porter for hammering the dances into her head, and Ms Mcfeely for her help. She is also thankful for the kindness of the very talented cast.


Fuller Freeman (Bazzard/Walter played by Phillip Bax) is 16 years old and has been thrilled to be part of the cast of The Mystery of Edwin Drood. He has performed in many State 48 shows such as Villians, Epiphany, and more recently Hamlet. This will be his fourth production with State 48. Outside of theatre, he practices his interpretive dancing and professional speed eating (particularly for hot dog eating contests) He thanks Ms Mcfeely for being an amazing director, as well as his english teacher. He also thanks Halle for teaching him, and choreographing this very dance heavy show, as well as Mrs Kemper for making him sound bearable to listen to.

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Adisyn Montefour (Maid/Succubae Dancer played by Gwendolyn Pynn) is so excited to be in The Mystery of Edwin Drood! Adisyn’s goes to Lumos Arts Academy and is a Junior. This is Adisyn’s 19th show! Some of her old roles are Debbie in Epiphany, Pirate Lass Molly in Pirates a Love Story, Jacopo in the Count of Monte Cristo and Olenka in Hamlet: A Tragedy In Three Rings! Soon Adisyn will be stage managing The Princess and the Pea at the end of the season and excited for the opportunity! In her free time she likes to go to Disneyland, wakesurf, hangout with friends and family but also sleep (she does love her sleep). Adisyn would love to give a big thank you to Andrea, Karli, Halle, Chantel, and Debbie for all they are doing for us and making the show amazing! Now i have to get ready for the show so enjoy the show!

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Teagan Dinyes, age 16, is excited to be back with her theatre family as Nicole Cricker as Deputy in a hilarious musical. Some other roles across her years with State 48 include Mary Shelley in Frankenstein, Ernestine in Jekyll and Hyde, Susan Brightly in Epiphany, and, most recently, Pollonia in Hamlet: A Tragedy in Three Rings. Outside of theatre, she enjoys writing music, reading books with character voices, and world building original fantasy settings. She is so grateful to Andrea, Chantel, Karli, and everyone in the cast for making this show, and this community, such a unique experience in the greatest way possible.


Lillian Garrison (Maid/Client played as Ellie Elliot), is 18 years old and so happy to be doing another show! She plays Ellie Elliot and a Client of Puffer. This is such a fun and exciting musical and she feels so lucky to be apart of it. Other roles she’s played has been Imogen in Pirates a Love Story and Ravenna in Villians! Apart from musicals she loves working with animals and is going to school for Cosmetology next year! She’d like to thank Andrea, Karli, Chantel, and the whole cast for being so incredible in putting this show together and making it so fun!

Horace Archer

Archer cox (Horace played as Nicholas Michael) is 15 and excited to be doing another show with State 48 Theater! Other roles he’s played include Seaweed from Hairspray, Seaweed in The Little mermaid (i think there is a theme here) and most recently Sir, in Hamlet a Tragedy in Three Rings. Outside of theater Archer likes to spend time with friends, listen to music, and have dance party’s in his room alone. Speaking of dancing, Archer would like to thank Halle for creating some of the best choreography he’s seen in a show in a long time. Archer is very excited for you all to see all the amazing talent this show has to offer!!


Andrea Rovegno (Wendy/Succubae Dancer played by Isabel Yearsley) is so ecstatic to be apart of yet another State48 production! She is a 16 year old junior that attends Perry High School & participates im State48’s show choir, Thunderstruck & works at Rosati’s Pizza in her free-time! Some memorable roles you may have seen her in previously are; Tatiana in Hamlet, Lady Julianna in Pirates: a Love Story, Viola/Cesar in Epiphany, Anne in Jekyll & Hyde, and Princess Grace in Villains! She would like to thank the amazing directing team for putting together yet another beautiful production. Are you gonna find out who did it? Pay close attention & enjoy the show!


Sammi Merkley (Edwin Drood/Dick Datchery played by Alice Nutting) has had a terrific time working on this show! Favorite previous credits include Murder and Sunset (Della Diamond), Beauty and the Beast (Babette), and Oklahoma! (Laurey Williams). Sammi works as a receptionist at a financial advising firm, teaches part-time at a local dance studio, and spends her weekends performing as a princess for children’s birthday parties and other events. She also directs local theatre productions and is beyond excited to begin her next project here at State 48, Shrek Jr.! She’d like to thank her friends and family for always being supportive and encouraging as well as the production team for teaching her so much and trusting her with such a fun part!


Emmie Glazebrook (Beatrice/Succubae Dancer played by Florence Gill) is thrilled to be performing in her 27th show. She is currently preparing to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and is so grateful that she was given the opportunity to do this show before she leaves. She would like to thank everyone who made this show possible. Thank you to the wonderful Andrea McFeely for being such an amazing director, as well as Karli and Chantel and everything they do. She would also like to give a special thank you to the choreographer, Halle Glazebrook, who also so happens to be her sister. She did such a phenomenal job on this show and did an amazing job on all the choreography, as well as playing the part of Rosa Bud. This has been such an incredible cast and everyone has worked so hard, so sit back and enjoy the show!


Michael A. Dzbenski (John Jasper played by Clive Paget) is excited to back on the stage in one of his favorite musicals. He is thankful to State 48 for giving him the opportunity to play one of his “bucket-list” roles.  Michael has spent the past 15+ years as a music/vocal director and pit musician for many theatre companies across the United States. He would like to thank the production team, cast, and crew for their hard work and dedication to the show and to his wife Stacy who is supportive of all the crazy things he does.


Jacki Beltran (Flo played by Harriet Sayle) is ecstatic to be returning to the State 48 stage! Some of her memorable roles include Sexton(Much Ado About Nothing), Officer Merryweather (Murder at Sunset), Mrs. Barry (Anne of Green Gables), Citizen (As You Like It), Pirate, Tree #1, Queen Victoria (pirates of Penzance) Peter, Friar John (Romeo and Juliet). When Jacki is not on stage she can be seen behind the scenes as a Stage Manager. Jacki is also State 48’s Front of House Manager. Jacki would like to thank her family for supporting her in all she does as well as her daughter Kailei for going on this crazy adventure with her. You can say they are a dynamic duo! Enjoy the show!!!

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Halle Porter (Rosa Bud played by Deirdre Peregrine) is thrilled to be a part of this amazing cast and have the wonderful opportunity to choreograph the show as well! Some of her favorite roles include Zaneeta in The Music Man (Hale Center Theater), Sophie in Mamma Mia (MCC), Bloody Imogen in PALS (State48), Flowers Sellers Mother (State48), Tiger Lily in Lost in Neverland (Fuse PAC) Bert in Mary Poppins (Fuse PAC), Atina in The Little Mermaid (Hale Center Theater) and Florinda in Into the Woods (AYT). She would like to thank Karli, Andrea and Chantel for being amazing humans to work with. She’d also like to thank her Savior for always being there for her, her sister Emmie for doing the show with her (#bestie) and her amazing husband who has had to make many of his own dinners because she has been at rehearsal;) For real though you’re the best Ren, love you forever!


Espie Owens (Rev. Crisparkle played Cedric Moncrieffe) is excited to be back onstage with such an exciting and challenging show! Some of Espie’s favorite recent roles were Mr. Poole in Jekyll & Hyde, Mr. McAfee in ByeBye Birdie, and The Major General in Pirates of Penzance! Previously Espie was able to direct The 39 Steps for State 48 and is always on-hand to jump in and help! Espie is so grateful for their hard working production team comprised of Karli, Andrea, Halle, Chantel, Justin, Kailei, and Debbie who poured many many hours into this show! Espie also wants to thank their supportive family, friends, and lovely spouse! When they’re not crying about Rosa’s mother onstage Espie can be found helping teach kids at Lumos Arts Academy, playing videogames, and prepping to welcome a sweet baby girl into the world next month! Thanks for coming to support and enjoy the show!!


Loren M. Considine (Angela Prysock by Princess Puffer) is thrilled to be making her State 48 Theatre debut in this amazing show. Some of her favorite previous roles include Annie (Miss Hannigan), Gypsy (Mama Rose), Nunsense (Sister Mary Hubert), and Pippin (Fastrada). Loren teaches 6th grade and really appreciates her students allowing her to practice her English accent! She is so grateful to the production team, cast, and crew for welcoming her into this beautiful community. She would like to thank her family and friends for being a constant source of encouragement.

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Hannah Van Holten (Helena Landless played by Janet Conover) is thrilled to be performing again after having returned home from serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! Some of her favorite past roles include Mercutio (Romeo and Juliet), Elizabeth Lavenza (Frankenstein), Meg Snider (Leading Ladies), Penelope Drake (Murder at Sunset), and Queen Moira (Villains)! She would like to express her gratitude to her family for always being so supportive of her as she’s pursued performing, and to her boyfriend Zane who has gone out of his way, helping with the set of the show, promoting the show to so many friends, and who has committed himself to seeing almost every performance as well! (Love you!) Hope you all enjoy the show!


Parker Nuttall (The Chairman/Mayor Sapsea played as William Cartwright) is thrilled and honored to appear before you once more onstage at this festive season of the year! Previous roles have included Dr. Jekyll, Victor Frankenstein, the Scarlet Pimpernel, the Magic Mirror, the Wizard of Oz, Captain Hook, a down and out detective, a greedy Scottish king, a cross-dressing Shakespearean actor, a flamboyant eye-patched pirate, and a knife-throwing Russian ringmaster. Parker expresses profound gratitude to his family, who have never ceased to show him support in his theatrical endeavors; to his girlfriend McKenzie, who keeps him sane and on his toes; to his brothers from other mothers Luis, Chris, Brett, Tristan and Heath; to the theatrical geniuses that are Andrea, Karli and Chantel; and finally, to his fellow acolytes of the thespianic persuasion, who have helped make this show  “an embarrassment of riches”. Parker hopes you enjoy the show!

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Stormy Mullis (Maid/Client played as Violet Balfour) is thrilled to be apart of this wonderful show! Stormy’s previous roles were, The Wicked Witch of the West, Natalie (All Shook Up), Clopin (Hunchback of Notre Dame), Ms. Strict (Zombie problem), Fairy Godmother (Into the Woods), Vampire bride (Dracula), Sarah (The Haunted). Stormy is grateful for the support from her friends and family. Stormy is beyond grateful State 48 gave her a part in this amazing show!

Parker S

Parker Schackart (Shade of Jasper played by Montague Pruitt) is happy to returning for his 3rd production with State 48. He is very excited to be making his musical debut. While Parker is working towards a future in film, he loves the stage. And more specifically, loves working with State 48. He is making friends and life long memories. Parker spends his free time working on his music, videography and gaming with his friends. Parker is currently working on highlight videos for his two brothers who play hockey. He often helps his mom with videos during her photo shoots. He’s grateful for the continue support from his family. He’s very thankful for the cast and crew in this production and looks to continue to work with State 48 in the future.

Erin Garner (Maid/Client of Puffer played by Sarah Cook) is 18 and a Creative Writing and Theatre student at ASU. She is thrilled to continue working with State 48! She and her partner Joe Sullivan made their co-directing debut here in May with Guys and Dolls, and they’ll be returning in full dream team glory this spring with The Princess and the Pea. Also coming to ST48 at a mysterious, undisclosed date is her playwriting debut- an adaptation of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. A few of her favorite roles of yore include Gertrude (Hamlet), Rita (Jekyll & Hyde), Witch (Into the Woods), Morgana (Merlin & Morgana), Melanie (Epiphany), Benvolio (Romeo & Juliet), Claire Clairmont (Frankenstein), Inigo Montoya (As You Wish), Edith (Pirates of Penzance), Phoebe Flynn (Murder at Sunet), and Gothel (Villains). She’d like to thank Andrea, Karli, Chantel, Halle, her friends and family, and the amazing cast, crew, and volunteers that made this production possible. Special thanks to her amazing boyfriend Joe for making her and everyone else’s world brighter every day.


Joseph O’ Sullivan (Mayor Sapsea)