Gabby Cuevas (Cordelia) is 13 years old and is doing her second play with State 48! Some of her hobbies include singing, acting (obviously), cooking, and spending time with loved ones. Outside of State 48, Gabby has done other shows including Pirates, a Love Story (Pirate Lass), The 50 Dollar Gold Piece (Child), and more. She also has one brother who she is very proud of because he is in college at 15 years old! Gabby wants to thank her parents for letting her have these types of opportunities and to be able to do what she loves. Gabby loves doing State 48 plays and is excited to do many more to come! Enjoy the show!!

Andrea Rovegno (Tatiana) is extremely thrilled to be performing on the State 48 stage once again! Some of her past memorable roles include, Princess Grace (Villians), Anne (Jekyll & Hyde), Viola/Cesar (Epiphany), Lady Julianna (Pirates, a Love Story), and most recently as Priestess in the summer production of The Count of Monte Cristo! Outside of theatre activities, she loves to go thrifting, workout, and watch rom-com’s. She would love to thank Andrea Mcfeely, Karli, and Chantel for all the love, hard work, and creativity they have brought to this outstanding production. She would also love to thank her friends and family for their care and support! Now….she would tell you your future, but the cards are telling her that she needs to go do some tricks at the big top. Enjoy the show!

Archer Cox (Old Hamlet/Sir) is 15 years old and doing his third show with State 48 and his tenth show ever! When he is not flexing his awesome ballroom dancing skills, Archer likes to bake, choreograph random songs with friends, take very long naps, and throw karaoke parties. Previous roles Archer has portrayed are: Seaweed (Hairspray), Danglar (The Count of Monte Cristo), and Sebastian (The Little Mermaid)-when he was like 5. Archer still has three sisters and is getting closer to loving them all equally. He would like to thank his family and friends for supporting him throughout life even when things get hard. He would say more but he is already falling asleep… Enjoy the show!!!!

Parker Nuttall (Claudius) is 20 years old. This is his most recent venture with Andrea, Karli, Chantel, and the rest of the team at State 48 (to whom he is extremely grateful for granting him another opportunity to work with them). Parker is what you might call a thespian, and enjoys writing, reading, skipping on beaches, screaming in tunnels, and repeating words over and over until they lose all meaning. Parker would like to thank his family, his friends, this wonderful cast, and once again the creative triumvirate that is Andrea, Karli, and Chantel. Hope you enjoy the show.

Brett Small (Laertes) is 22 years old and is incredibly excited to be performing with State 48 once again! After an extended amount of time away from theatre productions (previously seen as The Creature in State 48’s Frankenstein), Brett is very grateful to be given an amazing role with which to return to his acting chops. Brett thanks his family, friends, brethren, CC, his fellow amazing cast mates, Andrea, Karli, Chantel, and his mother for having him pick “Theatre or Debate”!

Adisyn Montefour (Olenka, the Tattooed Lady) is so excited to be in this show! This is Adisyn’s 16th show and she is excited to be back up on stage preforming again! Adisyn attends Lumos Arts Academy and is a junior. Some of Adisyn’s previous roles include: Miss Caroline (Jekyll and Hyde), Debbie (Epiphany), Pirate Lass Molly (Pirates, a Love Story), and her most recent role as Jacopo (The Count of Monte Cristo)! When Adisyn is not performing, you can find her helping out around the theater or the school, sleeping, going to Disneyland, watching Marvel movies, and going to the lake to wakesurf. Adisyn would love to give a big thank you to Andrea, Karli, and Chantel for all they are doing for the cast and for making the show amazing! Now, she thinks it’s time to go get another tattoo! Enjoy the show!

Christopher Norvelle (Marcellus) is 15 years old and in 10 grade. He is very juiced up about doing his second show with State 48! Past productions he has been a part of include: Pirates, a Love Story (Pirate Sam), and Guys and Dolls (Harry the Horse). He is also currently in another production at school, MacBeth, where he will play Banquo. Outside of theatre, he likes to hang out with friends, learn new things, play board games, and mess with his little sisters. He is very excited to be working with his directing team, Andrea McFeely, Karli Kemper, and Chantel Powers. He would like to thank his parents for driving him to and from practice every day, as well as supporting him on his journey through the theatre world! He is so excited to have met each one of his cast members and create so many fantastic memories together!

Joe Sullivan (Hamlet) is 17 years old and ecstatic to be in another State 48 show! Joe started with State 48 last year playing Mr. Hyde in Jekyll and Hyde. Some shows he’s loved performing in outside of State 48 are, Into the Woods (Jack), Elf (Buddy), The Addams Family (Gomez), and Legally Blonde (Emmett). In his free time he loves to write scripts and music. He is so excited to tackle this character and would like to thank the amazing cast and directors, especially his amazing girlfriend/mother, Erin Garner.

Nicholas Kanidis (Nikolai) is 12 years old and attends Lumos Arts Academy, where he’s performed in Villains (Dwarf Grumpy), Orphans (Jasper) and Pirates, a Love Story (Private George). This will be his 8th production with State 48. His previous roles include: Hamish (Alice in Wonderland), Newsie Willy (Jekyll & Hyde), Matty (Epiphany), Liver Lips Louie (Guys and Dolls), Sheriff of Nottingham (Robin Hood), Sir Kay (The Sword in the Stone) and Dorleac (The Count of Monte Cristo). He is thrilled to be performing in Hamlet and would like to thank all of the cast, directors and crew for making this such an awesome experience! In his free time, you will find Nicholas watching the new Elvis movie and practicing his Elvis moves. He also enjoys Big Band music and loves to eat pizookies at Oregano’s. Oh-and he’s studying with the Ancient One to become the next Dr. Strange/Sorcerer Supreme.

Alyssa Lu (Ludmilla) is excited to be doing her first show at State 48. She’d like to thank everyone for making this possible and pulling everything off so well, including the directors, actors, and parents. Alyssa enjoys reading, writing, drawing, making things, deconstructing things– that type of stuff. In Hamlet she has found a lot of great experiences and wonderful people, and a perfect twist on a classic play.

Zack Desmangles (Horatio) is 13 and is excited to be back in his second season with State 48 Theatre Company! He has enjoyed his time as Horatio in Hamlet, as it has enhanced his appreciation for Shakespeare and plays- a breakaway from his previous roles in musicals, such as: Guys and Dolls (Nicely Nicely Johnson), Pirates, a Love Story (Snaggle), The Count of Monte Cristo (Fernand Mondego), and The Fifty Dollar Gold Piece (Simon). Zack is grateful to the State 48 Cast and the amazing Andrea McFeely, Chantel Powers, Karli Kemper, and everyone who took the time to make Hamlet such a great success. Zack would also like to thank his biggest fans, Grandma and Papa, for joining him once again for this performance.

Erin Garner (Gertrude) is 18 and a Creative Writing student at ASU. She is thrilled to continue working with State 48! She and her partner, Joe Sullivan, made their co-directing debut here in May with Guys and Dolls, and they’ll be returning in full dream team glory this spring with The Princess and the Pea. Also coming to State 48 this spring is Erin’s playwriting debut- an adaptation of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. A few of her favorite roles of yore include: Morgana (Merlin & Morgana), Rita (Jekyll & Hyde), Witch (Into the Woods), Melanie (Epiphany), Benvolio (Romeo & Juliet), Claire Clairmont (Frankenstein), Inigo Montoya (As You Wish), Edith (Pirates of Penzance), Phoebe Flynn (Murder at Sunset), and Witch Gothel (Villains). She’d like to thank Andrea, Karli, Chantel, her friends and family, and the amazing cast, crew, and volunteers that made this production possible. Special thanks to her amazing boyfriend/son, Joseph Sullivan.

Parker Schackart (Osric) is 17 years old. He is excited to be in his second production with State 48. While Parker is working towards a future in film, he loves the stage. And more specifically, loves working with State 48. He is making friends and life long memories. Parker spends his free time working on his music, videography and gaming with his friends. Parker is currently working on highlight videos for his two brothers who play hockey. He often helps his mom with videos during her photo shoots as well. He’s very thankful for the cast and crew in this production and hopes to continue to work with State 48 in the future.

Kathryn Weir (Ophelia) is 14 years old and very excited for the production. Being Ophelia has been such a unique and interesting experience with State 48. Hamlet has been a definite jump compared with her previous acting opportunities. Characters played by Kathryn consist of a great mix of sexist dwarf, dudes, girl playing dude, drunk and drunker characters, (oh, and a missionary), and with her upcoming role of Lady Macbeth added to this role of Ophelia, she will start a trend of crazy… hard Shakespearean characters. Outside of the theater, Kathryn enjoys arting and singing, and in fact all the arts would be considered her hobby. She’ll have a hard time finding a job later. She would like to give a great big metaphorical hug (cause she’s not one for physical affection) to the cast, crew, director, stage manager, and costumer for making such a fun place even funner. Please enjoy the show, cause she knows she did.

Regina Llewellyn (Natasha) is 9 years old and a 4th Grade student at Lumos Arts Academy. She has performed in 4 plays over the past year and a half, and she loves to act! Her hobbies include art (watercolors, drawing and Perler), MineCraft, music and Legos. Regi is a lover of cats, hamsters, and other furry animals. Regi would like to thank Karli Kemper, Andrea McFeely and Chantel Powers for inviting her to join the cast as the youngest performer.

Liberty Lambson (Katarina) is 12 years old and this is her first play ever, and she seems to like it. She loves feeling like she has some thing to do all the time. She also likes singing, dancing, acting, and expressing herself. She loves being Katarina because she likes showing people her skills without looking like she is showing off. She’s not really good with joining in a group conversation that is not with her friend group, but she seems to be doing fine talking to these people! She is probably going to do more shows with State 48.

Fuller Freeman (Barnardo) is 16 years old and this will be his third show with State 48 theatre. He was previously in Villians, Epiphany, and now returning once more for Hamlet. He enjoys interpretive dance and opera singing. He would love to thank Ms. Mcfeely as well as Karli and everyone involved in and around this play. He can’t wait to perform this for everyone, and hopes you enjoy the show!