Caliann Ray (Donkey) is a 14 year old Freshman and is extremely excited to be doing this show. This is Caliann’s 9th production; previous shows being Villains, As You Wish, Jekyll and Hyde, Epiphany, Guys and Dolls, Pirates, A Love Story, and Macbeth, and she is currently also in The Wizard of Oz. In her free time when she’s not doing shows, she loves doing show choir, playing volleyball, dancing, playing video games, and hanging out with her family and friends. She has four siblings (two of them are also doing this show), a dog, and a pig. She would like to thank everyone in the show for helping and for putting in so much work to make this a great production! Hope you enjoy the show!!

Tori Ainsworth (Dragon) is 13 years old and in 7th grade. This is her 3rd show with State 48 (Count of Monte Cristo and Hamlet were precious productions) and 19th show overall! She is also in State 48’s show choir, Thunderstruck. She’s been involved with other studios like Bakers, Center Stage Academy, and Stage Door Studios, with roles like Glinda (Wizard of Oz), Cinderella (Into the Woods), Anastasia (Cinderella), etc. Her hobbies are drawing, singing, volleyball, and more! She’s very excited to be in this show and hopes to be in many more!

Christopher Norvelle (Pied Piper, Knight, and Guard) is 15 years old and in 10th grade. He has done a few shows over his acting career, such as, Guys and Dolls, Pirates, a Love Story, Hamlet, MacBeth, and a few other small acting parts. Christopher likes to hang out with friends, learn guitar, and be with his family- and acting too! He has a dog, a cat, and a couple of hamsters. He is indubitably juiced up for this show, and he hopes to do many more shows with State 48!

Kathryn Weir (Sugar Plum Fairy, Gingy, Ray)

Zoey Molletti (Teen Fiona, Citizen, and Guard) is 13 years old and is in 8th grade. This is her first play with State 48 Theatre, but not her first play. She has been in Peter Pan, Twelfth Night, Cinderella, Wizard of Oz, Willy Wonka, and Macbeth. She loves acting along with her siblings: Gabe, Selah, and Delaney. Zoey enjoys music, school, crafting, reading, and acting (of course). She has an Australian Shepherd named Hava and has four siblings, three of which act along side her. She would like to thank her parents and her siblings for encouraging her on her acting journey. She would also like to thank her past and present directors, choreographers, music teachers, assistant directors and fellow actors for helping her on her journey as well! Thanks for coming to see Shrek Jr. Hope you enjoy the show!!!

Nicholas Kanidis (Puss in Boots & Bishop) is 13 years old and attends Fusion Academy. This will be his 9th production with State 48 – some of his favorite roles include Nikolai (Hamlet), Newsie Willy (Jekyll & Hyde), Matty (Epiphany), Liver Lips Louie (Guys & Dolls) and Dorleac (The Count of Monte Cristo). He is thrilled to be performing in Shrek Jr. and would like to thank all of the cast, directors and crew for making this such a super fun show! In his free time you will find Nicholas playing VR, making music and being on the lookout for classic cars.

Regina Llewellyn (Wicked Witch) is 9 years old and a 4th Grade student at Lumos Arts Academy. She has performed in 5 plays over the past year and a half, and she loves to act! Her most recent performance was in State 48’s production of Hamlet where she played the youngest acrobat named Natasha. Her hobbies include art (watercolors, drawing and Perler), MineCraft, music, and Legos. Regi is a lover of cats, hamsters, and other furry animals. Regina would like to thank everyone at State 48 for the amazing opportunities she has received. She loves to play “wicked” characters…

Selah Molletti (Little Fiona, Citizen, and Guard) is 11 years old and in the 6th grade. This is her first play with State 48. She has performed in Peter Pan, Twelfth Night, Cinderella, Wizard of Oz, and Willy Wonka when she lived in Kentucky. She has four siblings: Gabriel, Zoey, Delaney, and Leo. In her free time, Selah enjoys reading, playing the piano, rollerblading around her neighborhood with her siblings, and hiking with her family. She would like to thank her parents for supporting her and her siblings in all things drama related.

Travin Santos (Little Pig #3) is 10 years old and in the 4th grade. Travin enjoys being in theatre with family and friends, plays soccer and plays video games.

Adisyn Montefour (Storyteller/Blind Mouse/Knight/Rat) is so excited that she ended up being in this show! Adisyn is 16 and goes to Lumos Arts Academy. Adisyn originally was too old to audition (even though she really wanted to be in this show), but then a role became available after an actor had to drop the show, so here she is in the show after all! This is Adisyn’s 20th production! Some of her previous roles include: Debbie (Epiphany), Pirate Lass Molly (Pirates, a Love Story), Jacopo (The Count of Monte Cristo), and Olenka (Hamlet: A Tragedy In Three Rings)! Adisyn will be stage managing The Princess and the Pea at the end of this season and is excited for the opportunity! Recently, Adisyn was cast as the Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz and is super excited! In her free time she likes to go to Disneyland, wake surf, hang out with friends and family, and sleep (she does love her sleep). Adisyn would like to give a big thank you to Sammi, Halle, Djuro, Jacki, Rebekah, Debbi, Karli, and Andrea for everything they have done for the production! Now enjoy the show!

Gabby Cuevas (Mama Ogre, Mama Bear, & Rat) is 13 years old and in 9th grade. She has been in a handful of State 48 plays including: Pirates, A Love Story, Hamlet, Guys and Dolls, and more. Gabby enjoys shopping, hanging out with friends, and, of course, acting! She has 2 dogs and 2 cats and loves them a lot. She is so excited to do Shrek Jr and many future plays to come. Gabby hopes everyone enjoys the show and has a great time!

Jayden Desmangles (Pinocchio) is so excited to be joining State 48 Theatre Company and the Shrek Cast in his debut performance! Jayden is 11 years old and is a 5th grader at Montessori Education Centre. In addition to this role, he is a member of State 48’s Rumble Show Choir and Jr. Dance. Jayden loves axolotls, spending time outdoors, has a heart for helping others, and he really loves sushi. Jayden would like to thank Karli, Sammi, Djuro, Halle, and everyone who helped make this performance possible.

Archer Cox (Shrek) is 16 years old and is so excited to be doing another show with State 48!! Archer has been in many other shows, most recently he played Horace in The Mystery of Edwin Drood. Archer also loved being in Teen Beach Movie and Mean Girls on Broadway (he played Regina). His favorite past role was in Twilight as Bella. You may not think he looks like the main character, but you hit your head. “This is the skin of a potato” -Alex 2023 “Get your head in the game” -Troy Bolten “Archer you can’t put a quote if i haven’t said it” -Alex 2023

Alex Marin (Fiona) is a 16 year old Sophomore at Desert Ridge High School. Besides theatre, she loves drawing, anime, D&D, and all things dorky. She has a crush on at least 3 famous Tom’s. She doesn’t really like spaghetti, especially with ranch. Her future goals consist of working in animation and bonding her very own spren. She is grateful and excited for the opportunity to be in Shrek Jr! She would like to thank the production team, her family, her grandparents, Brielle, her dog Soren, her cat Claudia, and her salamander, Nessie. This role was challenging, but to quote the great CG5, “…I got no, but I got no kakorrhaphiophobia.”

Macie Dunkerley (Storyteller, Blind Mouse & Knight) is 13 years old and in 7th grade. She enjoys drawing, horse back riding, drumming, and acting! She has never been in a State 48 show before, but has been in Alice in Wonderland and The Lion King previously. She is really happy to be in Shrek Jr. because she hopes to get more acting experience. She hopes to do more shows in the future with State 48! Enjoy the show!

Jaxson Kemper (Baby Ogre & Baby Bear) is 7 years old and is thrilled to be in his first “real” theatrical production! Previously, he has participated in musical theatre workshops and is currently taking Jr Dance and the show choir group, Rumble, with State 48 also. Jaxson really enjoys singing and dancing and is loving getting to share the stage with this awesome cast. When not rehearsing or performing, Jaxson loves to read, draw, watch movies and silly videos, and loves to play theatrical games and make up stories with his little brother, Ashton. He thanks Sammi, Djuro, Halle, Jacki, Rebekah, his grandma Debbi (for his awesome costumes), and the whole cast and crew of Shrek for this awesome opportunity, and he also thanks his parents and family for supporting and loving him! Enjoy the show!

Lexi Edwards (Blind Mouse Storyteller) is so excited to be a guest actor in this fun musical! She’s an 18 year old senior at Lumos Arts Academy and also is a full time student at Rio Salado College. This is her 8th show with State 48 and 17th production overall! Lexi loves constantly rewatching Stranger Things and the Tom Holland Spiderman movies. She has 1 dog and 3 cats and enjoys telling them how cute they are. She’s part of Lumos’ school choir and State 48’s Thunderstruck show choir as well as their teen hip hop group. She’ll be in nursing school next year and probably won’t have the time to do shows, so she is soaking up all the performing opportunities this year! She is very grateful to Karli, Sammi, Djuro, Halle, and Jacki for bringing this wonderful show to life, and for allowing her to join the cast! She also thanks Mrs. Murray and the other costumers for making everyone look amazing!

Marshall Ray (Peter Pan and Grumpy Dwarf) is 9 years old and in 3rd grade. He is a hard worker and excels in all he does. He has really enjoyed doing plays with State 48 Theatre Company along with his cousins. When he’s not doing plays, he stays busy with his other activities. He loves baseball and school. His family and friends are very important to him. Marshall is a great kid, and a friend to all.

Madison Avery (Fairy Godmother/Knight/Guard) is 13 years old and extremely excited to be in her 2nd show with State 48. In her free time Madison loves to watch movies, hang out with friends, and read. She would like to thank her family and the directors, choreographer, and stage manager for all that they do.

Leia Santos (Little Pig # 2) is 8 years old and in the 3rd grade. Leia got into theatre thanks to Janee, her sister. On her own time she plays soccer, loves challenging projects, and loves being creative.

Janee Santos (Litte Pig #1) is 11 years old and is in 6th grade. She really loves doing theatre, crafts and she also plays soccer.

Dexter Cho (Lord Farquaad) is 10 years old and in 4th grade. He likes music, acting, wrestling, horror stories and going on hikes. He goes to school at American Leadership Academy. In his free time, he likes typing movie scripts and making rap songs. Some of the plays he’s been in are Orphans and Robin Hood. He is very excited to be in Shrek Jr.

Libby Lambson (Guard and Citizen) is 12 years old, 7th grade and goes to Lumos Arts Academy. She is currently in two other shows in addition to Shrek Jr; Sleeping Beauty and The Wizard of Oz. In Libby’s free time she makes YouTube videos (Libby random). Her other specialties are singing, dancing, and gaming. She has seven siblings, three of whom are adopted. She always comes home and talks and talks about Shrek!

Luna Muslin (Duloc Citizen/Guard) is 12 years old and in 7th grade. She is so excited to be a part of this musical! She has been in six productions before this. Some previous shows include: Pirates, a Love Story, Guys and Dolls, MacBeth, and a few more. This is her second show with State 48. She is also in the show choir, Thunderstruck, with State 48 this year. She wants to thank her family and her amazing directors! Enjoy the show!

Delaney Molletti (Ugly Duckling) is 9 years old and in the 4th grade. This is her first play with State 48, but she has performed in Twelfth Night and Cinderella previously. She is the fourth of five Molletti siblings. In her spare time, she enjoys crafting, singing, swinging in her bedroom hammock swing, playing with neighbors, rollerblading, and playing with her little brother. She would like to thank her Mama for her awesome Ugly Duckling costume!

Kenzie Ray (Guard and Citizen) is 8 years old and is in 3rd grade at Lumos Arts Academy. She has been in 1 other show with State 48, which was Guys and Dolls and she is very excited to be doing Shrek Jr. In Kenzie’s free time she likes to play video games, play soccer, and hang out with her friends and family. She has four siblings and two are in the play also. Kenzie is very happy to be doing Shrek with her friends and family and can’t wait to do other plays with State 48. She is very thankful for everyone putting in the work and doing such an amazing job!

Brody Ray (Big Bad Wolf) is 13 years old and is in 8th grade. He has been in multiple other shows with State 48 such as Jekyll and Hyde, Epiphany, and Guys and Dolls and he is very excited that he was able to do Shrek Jr. He really likes sports, being outside and playing with friends. He has four siblings and two of them are in the Shrek as well. He would like to thank anyone that has helped out with the show.

Gabriel (Gabe) Molletti (Captain of the Guard & Knight) is 15 years old and in 10th grade. He has not been in a State 48 show before, but has been in Peter Pan, Twelfth Night, Cinderella, Wizard of Oz, Willy Wonka, and MacBeth previously. Gabe enjoys art, music, school, reading, and of course play-related things. He has an Australian shepherd named after a character in Fiddler on the Roof. He is excited to do this show because it has more real choreography than he’s done before. Enjoy this show, please.

Zack Desmangles (Papa Ogre, Papa Bear, Knight, Rat, & Guard) is 14 years old and an 8th grader at Desert Garden Montessori. This is Zack’s second season with State 48 Theatre Company. Previously, he has performed in The Fifty Dollar Gold Piece, Guys & Dolls, Pirates, A Love Story, The Count of Monte Cristo, and Hamlet. He is also a member of State 48’s Thunderstruck Show Choir & Teen Dance and Desert Garden Montessori’s Middle Year & High School Rock Band. Off stage, Zack loves all things music, including playing guitar, keyboards, and drums. He also enjoys gaming, traveling, and hanging out with friends. Zack would like to thank everyone who helped to make Shrek the Musical Jr possible.